Troop News: October 2
• Sign in!
• Popcorn booths are still available!
• Jacob (Brownie) has raised enough money for his Eagle Project. It will be on November 3, 10 am to whenever it is finished. He is taking out everything from a storage area, putting in new shelves, and then organizing everything. Congrats to him for raising the money.
• Congrats to new Star Scout, Henry Wasemann!
• Don’t forget to sign up for the Gatlinburg trip the first week of fall break. The trip is from October 6 to October 9. We will be hiking in the Smoky Mountains and going to see Clingman’s Dome.
• The sign up for Fall Camporee or ‘Cookoree’ is closed. You still can go, but there is a higher fee for walk in scouts.