Troop News: July 9
Sea Base Scouts:
- Drew, Mark, and Jack had adventures and earned awards at Sea Base Out Island adventure. Awards:
- BSA Snorkeling
- BSA Kayaking
- Sea Base Duty to God
- and Sea Base Castaway
Upcoming Eagle Projects:
- Brownie — looking for donations for his project
- Cullen — needs help this weekend, info available through Facebook and Scoutbook emails
There are name tags for scouts. Pick one up at the next meeting. Adults can purchase a name badge for $2.50.
Treasurer (Doug K.): Adults — if you picked up a troop T-Shirt at summer camp, you need to pay for it. If you ordered a shirt and didn’t pick it up, you can do so at a troop meeting.
Advancement (Kim I.): Merit Badge blue cards from summer camp have been entered into Scoutbook. If you have an incomplete, please pick up your blue card. It will clearly have any remaining items marked.
Committee: Looking for a secretary to take over recording notes at committee meetings. The current volunteer is looking to move to a new volunteer position.