Troop Meeting Notes: March 19
March 19
- Court of Honor — congratulations to all the scouts!
- About a dozen rank advancements, at least one in each rank!
- 42 merit badges awarded!
- Friends of Scouting
- April 9 Scoutbook Training — Strongly encouraged for new parents
- How to use Scoutbook, especially for parents new to 183, but helpful for any parent who needs a refresher or has questions.
- Camp cards — sign up, questions go to Lisa Bowers
- T-Shirt sign-up, due now!
- Women’s cut available this year
- High Adventure – scouts need to choose a destination for fall break. Save the date!
- World Scout Jamboree – end of summer 2019, the World Jamboree comes to the US every 50 years or so!
- Spring Camporee Dry-Run (Friday / Saturday)
- Permission slips due immediately
- Sign-up to help (respond to CJ’s email), this is an all-in activity for the troop
- Thank-you from Noblesville Police Station about our gift of popcorn to them
- Summer Camp
- Register if you haven’t yet!
- Turn in 1st and 2nd choice for classes to Grumpy
- 2018 Camp Krietenstein Class Schedule