Volunteer Project Proposal Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Proposal Title *One-line description of this projectDate *Enter the date in M/D/YY format. If spanning multiple dates, enter a range.Adult Name #1 *FirstLastMain contact and in charge of eventAdult #1 Email *EmailConfirm EmailPlease enter your email, so we can follow up with you.Adult Name #2 *FirstLastSecond adult to comply with BSA Youth Protection policyAdult #2 EmailPlease enter your email, so we can follow up with you.Scout in Charge *FirstLastMain contact and in charge of eventBrief Description of Organization *Enter the name of the beneficiary organization and the organization's purpose. Brief Description of duties boy will perform *Will equipment be provided/needed?Enter anything needed from the troop or that the boy would need to bring. Will something be provided (lunch, water, tools) so the scout doesn't need to bring it.Additional necessary details *Include address, start and finish time, contact info (if needed and not already provided). What do the boys need to bring? Appropriate clothing? Snacks? Water?...Minimum number of volunteers needed *Maximum volunteers that can be supported Leave empty if no clear upper limitMessageSubmit