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Information needed for the troop:

Some files:

Life to Eagle Resources:

Mr. Latini and Mr. Irvin are Troop 183’s Life-to-Eagle Coaches. Coaches provide guidance to Life Scouts as they strive toward Scouting’s highest rank, that of Eagle Scout.

Helpful information or links:

Rank and Advancement

The progression of advancement:
  • The Boy Scout learns.
  • The Boy Scout is tested.
  • The Boy Scout is reviewed.
  • The Boy Scout is recognized.

The advancement program in Boy Scouts is a self-paced program of rank advancement. Each boy can move through the program at his own pace. There are time restrictions as outlined by BSA in the Boy Scout Handbook. A boy can only move through the program as fast as allowed by BSA.

Scout Spirit is an important requirement of rank advancement – what many in Scouting believe is the most important requirement. Beginning with the rank of Scout and continuing through the rank of Eagle, each Scout must demonstrate Scout Spirit by trying to live up to the Scout Oath and Law in his everyday life. At Troop 183, this is the most important requirement in rank advancement. Completing the Scout skill or merit badge requirement for rank advancement is not enough. For example a Scout who can tie a knot correctly or apply first aid correctly but does not demonstrate Scout Spirit at troop meetings, campouts and activities may not advance until he has demonstrated Scout Spirit to the satisfaction of the Scoutmaster.

Scouts are expected to participate in their patrol and troop to advance, which is part of Scout Spirit. We do not have definitive or minimum attendance requirements. For First Class, Star, and Life Ranks BSA, requirements state that a Scout, “Be active in your troop and patrol for at least six months as a First Class . . . Star . . . Life Scout . . . ” Troop 183 defines “active” as actively participating at patrol and troop meetings and when on outings or campouts. Merely attending meetings is not sufficient; a Scout must be “active,” by being engaged and participating in the meeting, outing or campout.

This activity and participation requirement also holds true for Scouts pursuing their Eagle rank requirements. Participation and leadership within the troop during his Eagle candidacy are just as critical to showing that a Scout is prepared to be called an Eagle Scout as the leadership he must demonstrate for his Eagle service project.

The Advancement Process
To advance, the Scout should follow this simple process (the Scout himself must do this and not his parent.):
  1. Meet the requirements for the advancement or award and have the requirements in the Boy Scout Handbook signed by the Scoutmaster or the merit badge blue card signed by the Merit Badge Counselor. For rank advancement, Scout Spirit will be reviewed with the Scoutmaster during the Scoutmaster Conference.
  2. Meet with the Advancement Coordinator so that the requirements and award information is recorded in the troop records.
  3. For rank advancement, request a Scoutmaster Conference by communicating with the Advancement Chair, to verify all requirements have been recorded, who will then direct you to the Scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster will schedule it as soon as he or she is able so that there is enough time to complete the conference.
  4. Attend the Scoutmaster Conference in complete uniform, including the merit badge sash if the Scout has earned merit badges. The Scout must bring his Boy Scout Handbook.
  5. If approved by the Scoutmaster, the Scout then meets with the Advancement Chair so that the Scout Spirit and Scoutmaster Conference requirements are recorded in the troop records.
  6. For Scout through Life ranks, request that the Advancement Chair schedule a Board of Review.
  7. Attend the Board of Review in complete uniform including the merit badge sash. The Scout must bring his Boy Scout Handbook.
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