Thank you to Mason (new scribe) for taking announcement notes. Happy 18th birthday to AJ (who has now aged out)!
If you have detail for your announcement, please give it to Mason (the scribe) which will help get all the detail into his notes. We will be working to have the scribe take notes at meetings, the historian (Adam) post detail after our outings, and the webmaster (Mark) put the information on the website.
- Joey Eagle Project, Hinkle Creek Elementary (ball field), June 2 and June 9, Build a shed
- Alex Eagle Project, June 8, Janus
- Swim test on Sunday, Carmel High School, May 20, 1:30 – 5:00 pm (bring goggles)
- T-Shirt design contest (Troop summer camp shirt), due soon (next week?)
- Capture the Flag campout, June 1-3, location TBD
- Cullen announced: Food backpack Service Project, Ivy Tech Building On Conner Street
May 23, 5:30 – 6:30 pm
- Strawberry Festival:
- Setup: June 15, 9-10:39am
- Tear-Down: June 16, 4:30-6pm
Parents! We need more volunteers! What would you like to help with? We could use merit badge counselors, committee members (volunteer/service chair, membership chair), assistant scoutmasters (leading weekend events, assisting scouts in leadership). Talk to a leader and let them know you’d like to help!
- Life: Mason C. (Crazy Ninjas)
- Elected troop officers were sworn in
- SPL: Parker
- ASPLs: Phillip and Ben G.
- New Patrol Leaders
- Appointed Positions (Cabinet):
- Scribe: Mason
- Historian: Adam
- Librarian: Grant
- Quartermaster: Ben P.
- Chaplain’s Aide: Zach W.
- Webmaster: Mark
- Outdoor Ethics Guide: JC
- OA Rep: Mason (continuing)
- Troop Guide: Hunter (continuing)
- Instructor: Jacob
- Totin’ Chip
- Carter, Aaron, Juan, Mason W., Adam
- Firem’n Chit
- Carter, Aaron, Juan, Mason W., Adam, Hunter, AJ, Mark, Phillip, Jacob, Henry W., Ganner
- Joey Eagle Project, 2 weekends, June 2 and June 9
- AJ’s Court of Honor, May 19, St. Michaels, 2-4pm, everyone in the troop is invited
- Strawberry Festival:
- Setup: June 15, 9-10:39am
- Tear-Down: June 16, 4:30-6pm
- Need to pick next year’s summer camp location
- Troop voted to choose between returning to Camp Krietenstein and Camp Ransburg.
- Troop chooses Ransburg!
- Mason’s group was the Cook-off winner with a S’Mores Pie entry
- Thank you to AJ for his service. Grumpy awarded him an Adult Application (he ages out this week).
For Drivers:
- Arrive between 6-7:30 at camp K. We will be staying in Cherokee campsite. (Camp K Site Map)
- Camp Kikthawenund – 7651 W 500 N, Frankton, IN 46044 (Map)
- Take IN-37 (or IN-19 or IN-13) north until Scout Camp Road / W 500 N.
- Camp is 1 mile east.
- Note that there is a roundabout going in at Strawtown which would affect the route for many of us headed to Camp K:
Strawtown Ave & IN-37 (intersection just south of White River) Map
- Website says IN-37 will be open with a light controlling alternating one-way traffic at the roundabout spot. Alternate routes would be north on IN-19 or IN-13 then East on W 500 N until you reach the camp (see graphic below).
- Break camp at 10am Sunday. Drivers to pick up scouts at Camp K.
For Scouts:
- Pack for small chance of rain and weather from 50-75 degrees.
- New scouts will work on Tenderfoot requirements with Phillip, Hunter, and Jacob.
- New leaders will be instructed on Leadership Skills assisted by more experienced scout leaders.
- Scouts under first class will have an opportunity to work on rank advancement Friday night and parts of Saturday.
- A camp chair will be important for the training classes.
- New scouts will be encouraged to set up and sleep in a tent to meet a Tenderfoot requirement.
- The trailer will be at CampK should you need a tent. First priority will go to the youngest scouts.
- Camping Checklist
- Bring your handbook and a notebook for notes.
For New Scout Parents:
- The troop has reserved a cabin (Remy Cabin) for our use Saturday night.
- It has bunks with a pad – bring a sleeping bag and pillow.
- Bring a camp chair for training as well as killing time around the campfire.
- Arrive at camp at 9am and plan to stay the night (in a cabin or a tent, your choice).
- Food will be provided.
- Troop Instructor Phillip B. will be leading the new scout training assisted by Troop Guides Hunter and Jacob. Please have your scout report to Phillip with his gear (still packed) to begin.
For Leaders:
- Bob and Dave will lead the Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) assisted by older scouts who have been through the training.
- Tim is organizing the new parent training and will use our leaders to talk about key information for the troop as well as some scout skill demonstrations.
- Matt Levy is grubmaster. Please help him as needed. There is a Dutch Oven cracker barrel Saturday night. Bring ingredients and your oven if you’d like to participate. The troop has a small number of Dutch ovens available.
Direction from the church to Camp K with construction marked and two alternate routes (north on IN-19 or IN13)
April 30:
The troop held elections at this meeting. For the patrols and the troop, the current assistant passes into the leader position and the election is for the assistant position (who is then in line to become the leader).
Assistant Patrol Leader (APL) → Patrol Leader (PL)
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) → Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)
Here are the results of the election:
- Troop Leadership:
- ASPL Parker becomes the new SPL-elect (Jessie had previously withdrawn from the succession process).
- Two new ASPLs elected: Ben G. and Phillip B.
- Other leadership positions are appointed and require an application in order to be considered.
- American Dragons: PL: Troop Guide Hunter, Adam elected APL
- Ballistic Zombies: PL: Ganner, Peyton elected APL
- Crazy Ninjas: PL: Henry, Matthew elected APL
- Biohazardous Bacon: PL: Owen, JC elected APL
- Question Mark: PL: Kaleb, Joey elected APL
- Flaming Marshmallows: PL, APL: Daniel
These positions will be official once the individuals have been sworn in on May 6. A big thank you to all the out-going leaders including AJ and Jessie and the current patrol leaders!
Next up is our New Scout Campout and Leadership Weekend. Tim Sherrill is the adult leader in charge and Matt Levy will be camp grubmaster. Matt will need help cooking and cleaning. Please step up as he needs help. See the bullet below where you can cook a dutch oven dessert.
All new scouts and at least one parent are expected to participate at the new scout skills campout this weekend.
- Friday, 6pm: Experienced scouts make camp at Camp K (Kikthawenund). The troop will have a cracker barrell snack so the scout should have already eaten dinner.
- Saturday, 9am: New Scouts and parents arrive. New scouts will finish any remaining Scout rank items and complete on all but 2 Tenderfoot requirements. Cabin accommodations are available for parents to stay Saturday night. Parents will attend training on how the troop operates. This is ESSENTIAL information! Adults should have a camp chair for our discussion time.
- Saturday will be leadership training for our new leaders. Any elected scout leader or one who has submitted a leadership application should attend this training led by Dave Waseman and Bob Latini. New scouts should all attend the scout training, not the leadership training.
- Saturday evening cracker barrel will be a contribution from anyone who would like to make a dutch oven dessert.
- Sunday 10am: break camp after a Scouts’ Own Service